Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Sony PS3 Laser Unit Replacement & Repair Guide

Sony PS3 Laser Unit Replacement & Repair Guide
Are you having problem with Disk Read Errors on your Sony Playstation 3 Console? Can you play some games but not others? Does your console freeze up after 20-25 minutes? Do you get the "Disk Read Error"?

If you are you need this guide!!

Have you been having problems with your Sony PLAYSTATION 3 System giving you error that it can not read games or Bru-ray disks? Does your console freeze? Can you not play some disks yet others will work fine? Is your console blinking and beeping at you? Buy this guide and start playing your favorite games again today.

This guide will also show you the difference between the laser units themselves and what to look for to make sure you get the right model for your specific console.

Sony will take weeks to repair your PLAYSTATION 3, you don't have to wait all that while you can repair it using the same methods they will use. Save $100 -$200 that you would have to spend taking your console to a Repair Shop. You can easily fix it by yourself with the same techniques they use.
Our guide will teach you the method to fix the common error and problem that SONY PLAYSTATION 3 Console owners are having when the Laser Unit fails. You will not need to be a rocket scientist to use this guide. You do not need to be an engineer to fix the laser problem you are having with your console. This guide gives you step by step instructions with images diagrams & video to make replacing your laser unit simple.
This is the only guide of its kind for sale anywhere!!

Price: (lowest price)

Click here to buy from Amazon

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